Message from the General Manager

The Town of Discovery Bay is not a city; rather we are a type of municipal government known as a Community Services District, or “CSD.” In unincorporated areas such as Discovery Bay, basic services like water, sewer, security and fire protection are usually provided by the County. Because counties often consist of large and diverse geographical areas, providing a consistent and adequate service level across all areas can be difficult. Consequently, the Community Services District Law (Government Code §61000‑61850) was created to provide an alternate method of providing services in unincorporated areas. In most cases, and due to the scope of their requirements, counties cannot provide tailored services to any one community. This leaves residents with little if any local control over services and no easy way to address problems or complaints. A CSD provides a method of offering local control on essential municipal services.
The Town of Discovery Bay Community Services District was formed in 1998 by a vote of the residents. The District provides domestic water supply, treatment, and delivery as well as wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal to the approximately 15,000 residents and businesses that call Discovery Bay home. We are also responsible for park maintenance and landscaping on many of our boulevards, streets and roads. Our Community Center is a recreational facility that offers swimming, tennis, dog park, and year-round activities for all ages. There are numerous community-based activities such as the Big Cat Poker Run held every August, car and boat shows, concerts on the lawn, movies in the park, Crab Feeds, golf tournaments, motorcycle rallies, boat parades, and a whole host of other events. There is always something happening in or around town. I encourage you to get outside and experience in the many events that Discovery Bay offers.
Discovery Bay is a great place to not only “Live where you Play,” but it’s also a great place to do business. The Discovery Bay Chamber of Commerce hosts monthly business “mixers” at different locations around town to show off the local business community. Check the Chambers web site at for additional information on their many community activities.
From the standpoint of your local government, the CSD operates the water and wastewater utilities on a combined operating and capital budget of $10.683 million for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The budget is balanced and presents a spending plan where revenues meet expenditures. Included in the Capital Improvement Program are projects that continue to address the long-term capital needs of the District. A robust capital replacement fund represents an ongoing structural element of long-term financial sustainability.
The Discovery Bay the Board of Directors and the entire staff continue to work diligently to provide a comfortable place where residents can live, work and play and where we can enjoy the many qualities we all like in a small town. Please join us at one of our Board of Directors’ meetings that are held the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. All meetings are held at the Discovery Bay Community Center located at 1601 Discovery Bay Blvd.
If you would like to discuss Discovery Bay and any issue you may have as a resident, please be sure to contact the District Office by calling (925) 634-1131.
Dina Breitstein, General Manager
Town of Discovery Bay CSD